A Message from the President
This article first appeared in the July issue of Sacramento Audubon Society's newsletter, The Observer.
I am happy to announce the launch of Sacramento Audubon Society’s new website. You will find the site very user-friendly and equipped with many helpful features. Like our original website, it is full of information. The gorgeous photos throughout are by chapter members. You can even access the site via your smartphone or tablet! Our website address remains the same www.sacramentoaudubon.org
It was clear to the Website Committee that the original SAS website needed updating. Since March of 2019 this team of dedicated SAS volunteers has worked diligently on the project. Most recently, they have had to contend with the limitations created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Forging ahead, the committee members utilized web video for their meetings, relied on email, and worked individually to meet their goal of launching the new website by mid June.
The Website Committee members are Gesna Clarke, Mary Forrestal, John Harding, Jane Van Kessel, Elliot Chasin, Heather White and Daphne Reimer. On behalf of the board and members of Sacramento Audubon Society, I want to thank the Website Committee for its excellent work. Special recognition goes to Gesna Clarke for her leadership as committee chair. Without her perseverance, vision and organizational ability the new website would not be launching this early. There are many other individuals who deserve credit for their contributions. Look for them on our new website under About Us/Credits.
You might be wondering what this is costing the chapter. During their research the committee learned web design firms charge anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 to create a basic website. This high dollar amount motivated them to look elsewhere. The committee selected Squarespace, a website building platform recommended by National Audubon. The Squarespace fees will only cost the chapter slightly more than $200 annually, a comparable amount to what we’ve already been paying.
On June 4th the SAS board sent out a letter to our members in support of National Audubon’s statement regarding racism faced by birders of color and the systemic racism plaguing our nation as a whole. (The board letter can be found on our website under News & Events/News.) We recognized that there is much more we can do as an organization to address racial injustice. To that end, we will announce new strategies for engaging and supporting local birders of color in the coming months.
COVID-19 remains a threat to public health. All activities (field trips, general meeting and guest speaker series, educational and outreach activities and programs) are cancelled. You can check the calendar for scheduled virtual events hosted by other organizations. We hope to host a virtual general meeting and guest speaker in the near future. If you have any virtual events or lectures to recommend let us know. Check the website, The Observer or our Facebook page for status updates on the resumption of SAS activities.
The annual events NatureFest, Lodi Crane Festival and the Central Valley Bird Symposium have been cancelled. The UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County will be hosting Virtual Harvest Day on August 1. Go to their website or call 916-875-6913 for more information.
We look forward to the day when we can resume our activities as a chapter. Until then we can only try to come up with more creative ways to function as an organization. The new website will be a huge part of that effort. It’s possible that field trips might come back but with much smaller groups and restrictions. We continue to support the conservation work of Habitat 2020 and the Environmental Council of Sacramento. Our support of Dr. Michelle Steven’s Bushy Lake Restoration Project also continues. Another project SAS has been able to support is the California Montessori Project Youth Birding Club. We have lots of other ideas and plans for the future but, for now, our health and safety must take priority. Happy birding whether it be outdoors (social distancing, of course!), in your backyard or online.
Stay well,
Bill Bianco, President