Sacramento Audubon Society

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Looking for Birders to Participate in Research Study

Recently a researcher at the University of Toronto in Canada reached out to ask us to share an online study with our members. This is what the researcher had to say about her group and the study:

Our group studies how the brain changes as we learn about the natural world, and our current study is part of our wider project of connecting birding and citizen science activities with research on cognitive health and brain function.

I am emailing to ask if you would share our short (approx. 15 mins) online study with your members. The study involves identification of different bird species, but is open to everyone regardless of birding background/experience. We thought some of your members might be interested in our research and want to participate in our study! We are looking for participants from across Canada, the UK, and the US, and we're reaching out to birding-related groups directly.

You can find the link to the study as well as more information at