Sacramento Audubon Society

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Watch the Monthly Speaker Presentations, Again!

There is no monthly speaker presentation in December, but you can watch the presentations from this year and last online. If you missed any of our fantastic online speakers or would like to watch the presentations again, they are available on our General Meeting / Monthly Speaker page, under Past Presentations.

Presentations will resume on January 20, 2022. We don’t yet know whether future presentations will be in-person, online, or some combination of the two. Check for information on future Monthly Speaker programs in the January Observer and on the website.

We are looking for volunteers who can help with the online aspect of the monthly speaker presentations. Please contact for more information or to volunteer.

Violet-tailed Slyph, Image by Vayun Tiwari
In September 2020, Vayun Tiwari presented Southern Ecuador: In Search of Rare, Local, and New Species.