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Bufferlands Birds and Blooms Walk

Bufferlands Event
Join biologists Bryan Young and Shawn Petrash along with the Bufferlands docent team for a guided hike through the grassland, wetland and riparian habitats of the 2,000+ acre open space preserve surrounding the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. It’s a great time of the year to identify a wide variety of plants that are in bloom and to see a number of the 245 different bird species that have been recorded on the property. 

This is Event is FULL.

Be prepared for a cool morning but rapidly warming day. We plan to cover 1 to 2 miles of trails.  Binoculars and cameras are encouraged.  Please leave your pets at home. 

White-throated Swift, Image by Chris Conard

Earlier Event: April 8
Bobelaine Volunteer Workday
Later Event: April 8
Bushy Lake Public Day