Volunteer — Sacramento Audubon Society


As an entirely volunteer-run organization, volunteers are essential to our continuance. Join one of our monthly programs and meet our volunteers and other members. Go on some birding field trips. Get a sense of who we are and hopefully you’ll want to jump in and help. Both one-time and longer term commitments are available. Read through the volunteer opportunities below, check the monthly calendar of events, or contact the President of Sacramento Audubon to get more information on volunteering with the Sacramento Audubon Society.

Volunteer at Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary

To keep up with the trail and caretaker duties at Bobelaine, Sacramento Audubon Society is requesting volunteer help. A list of volunteers will be emailed the monthly work days and can advise Bill Bianco on which days they are available to volunteer. You can also find upcoming volunteer workdays on Sacramento Audubon's Calendar of Events. Volunteer workdays are subject to change due to weather and volunteer availability.

Typical duties include cutting brush and overhead growth along the trails, removing invasive plants, mowing weeds, helping maintain the newly planted pollinator garden, and cleanup around the picnic area and equipment shed. Be aware that poison oak is prevalent in the sanctuary.

If you would like to help out, please email Bill Bianco and provide your contact information.

Education Chair - Position Open

The Education Chair is a volunteer position that coordinates the efforts of lead volunteers on the Education Committee. The chair and lead volunteers are responsible for a variety of activities focused on reaching out to both adults and children. Examples of these activities include community outreach, beginning birder activities, and family friendly and youth activities. 

The Education Chair also serves as the primary contact to the general public, fielding inquiries and passing them on to the appropriate committee member. If you are interested in this position and helping Sacramento Audubon fulfill one of its primary missions, please contact the President of Sacramento Audubon.

Outreach Volunteer

Sacramento Audubon Society participates in many of the region’s bird-related festivals and events. Our Outreach Volunteers talk one-on-one with attendees about the Society’s important work and provide beginning birding information. If you would like to help at upcoming events or for more information, contact Bill Bianco, Outreach Chair.

Website Maintenance 

The Website Committee is seeking volunteers to help with maintenance of the Sacramento Audubon website. No previous website experience is required. Contact the Sacramento Audubon Webmaster for more information or to volunteer.

Sign-up for Action Alerts

If you would like to receive timely email notifications about critical issues concerning wild birds and their habitats, sign-up for Action Alerts by entering your name and email address in the form below. This is an opportunity for you to do your part to effect change in the wildlife conservation arena. (Alerts are gleaned from various sources and information is provided for your consideration and possible action). Previously, Sacramento Audubon Action Alerts have helped save local raptors by advocating for the removal of poisonous bait boxes from Haggin Oaks Golf Course, near Del Paso Regional Park. You can help with similar causes by signing up to receive Action Alerts.

Action Alert Sign-up

Banner Photo Credit: Long-billed Curlew by Ray Rozema