Grant and Donation Funding — Sacramento Audubon Society

Grant and Donation Funding

Sacramento Audubon Society supports community-based conservation projects that promote our mission. All proposed projects should focus on the conservation or restoration of habitats and the protection of species. Projects should be within 50 miles of Sacramento.

Submission periods:

1) May 1 - October 15; disbursement of funds by January 31.

2) November 1 - April 15; disbursement of funds by May 31.

Sacramento Audubon Society can grant up to $1500 per submission period for one or more conservation projects; individual grant and donation requests should not exceed $1500. The Sacramento Audubon Board of Directors will evaluate each proposal to determine how well it fits with the Society’s goals as well as the cost-benefit ratio of each project. Furthermore, the Board reserves the right to request modifications to the project. The Board does not meet during the months of June, July, and December.

Proposal Guidelines

If your organization is interested in applying for a grant or donation, please submit a proposal of no more than two pages that contains the following:

  • The project’s goals and objectives, including how it meets the Society’s mission

  • An action plan with a timeline

  • A project budget with cost breakdowns 

  • Whether this is an ongoing effort or a one-time project 

  • List of names of those working on the project

  • The objectives should be measurable and achievable within 12 months of approval

Send your proposal via email to the President of Sacramento Audubon.

OR by mail to:

Sacramento Audubon Society
Attn: SAS Conservation Grants Program
P.O.Box 160694
Sacramento,  CA  95816-0694 

Banner Photo Credit: MacGillivray’s Warbler by Ray Rozema