Sparrows, Finches, and Other Winter Birds
The presentation will be via Gotomeeting. If you are interested in joining, please email Roger Jones ( for a link and log-in directions.
The Bufferlands is home to more than 240 species of birds. This virtual presentation is a follow-up to last month’s overview - Birds of the Bufferlands. This will be the first of several planned presentations that will cover different groups of birds in more detail. The virtual presentation will focus on sparrows, finches, and a few other of our local characteristic wintering species. Many of these birds will be with us through late April and into early May, before departing for their summer breeding grounds. We will discuss basic identification, seasonality, habitat and other interesting aspects of this varied and subtly beautiful group of birds.
If you missed the Intro to the Birds of the Bufferlands talk on Feb 9, a video link is here: