This trip is Full. Registration is CLOSED.
Field Trip Leader: Sonja Sorbo
Least Sandpiper, Image by Daniel Brown
In this morning trip we will bird the Lincoln water treatment plant. There are several large ponds which can hold a variety of ducks. Some years there have been hundreds of Canvasbacks and wigeons present, with an occasional Redhead or Eurasian Wigeon in their midst. Depending on the water level, we might see shorebirds such as Black-necked Stilts, Greater Yellowlegs, dowitchers, Dunlin, and Least Sandpipers. While driving on the levees around the ponds, we will search the adjacent trees, fields, and fenceposts for raptors, sparrows, woodpeckers, and other resident species. A small wetland area visible from the levees can hold rails, herons, egrets, gallinules, and Marsh Wrens.
This trip will end around noon; if there is sufficient time, we might drive some nearby roads looking for flocks of geese and/or swans. Bring a spotting scope and your FRS radio if you have them. Dress warmly, since the weather can be cold and windy. Rain cancels the trip.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend this field trip. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 8 participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field Trip Registration: This field trip is FULL and Registration is CLOSED.