Registration is required for this trip and will be limited to 15 participants.
Please email Chris to register.
Field Trip Leader: Chris Conard
By mid-October, nearly all our wintering species will have arrived, and there’s a chance for some lingering migrants. Waterfowl numbers and diversity will be building. The Sac Sewer Bufferlands provide an open space buffer of more than 2,000 acres between the treatment plant and the community. A wealth of habitat has been preserved and enhanced by over 30 years of restoration and management for wildlife. Expect a walk of up to three miles on mostly level gravel/dirt roads and mowed paths. We may visit the sewer ponds if they have been productive the week before.
Field Trip Registration: Registration is required for this trip and will be limited to 15 participants.
Please email Chris to register. Directions and confirmation of exact meeting location and time will be provided upon registration.
Great-white Fronted Geese, Image by Larry Hickey