Registration is OPEN
for this field trip.
Registration is limited to 6 participants.
Field Trip Leader: Paul Miller
Song Sparrow, Image by Ray Rozema
This area south of Sacramento is beautifully designed for those with mobility challenges as it offers a wide, level cement trail that loops through the area. Designed to meet a wide range of mobility needs, the facility includes handicapped parking, accessible restrooms, handicap ramp access from parking lot, and wide level concrete trails. The varied habitats may produce interesting birds, especially in the fall and winter, such as Green Heron, Sora, Belted Kingfisher, Song Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat as well as Red-tailed Hawks and Western Meadowlarks.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 6 participants. Registration for this field trip will open on December 1 at noon.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must provide proof of COVID vaccination. After you have registered, you will receive an email from our Registration Coordinator with instructions on how to submit proof of vaccination.
Field trip participants should maintain adequate social distance.
There will be no sharing of binoculars, scopes or other optics on any field trips.
Field trips leaders are authorized by the Sacramento Audubon Board to cancel field trips if unregistered participants attempt to join or stated precautions are not met.
To register for the trip, please submit your name and email address below. The first 6 participants to register will be asked to provide proof of their vaccination status. The meeting location and directions will be provided upon receipt of a copy of vaccination status. All others will be added to a waiting list. Please be prepared to show your registration email at the beginning of the trip.