Registration is required for this field trip.
Contact Virginia Meyer of Pine Hill Preserve to register for this field trip.
Participation is limited to 20 participants.
Field Trip Leader: Chris Conard
California Thrasher, Image by Daniel Brown
The preserve was established to protect rare native plants in El Dorado County that occur only on the specialized soils of the Pine Hill area. It stretches from Folsom Lake in the north to Hwy 50 in the south and contains more than 4,000 acres. Plan to visit Kanaka Valley, with a mix of oak woodland and chaparral. Chris will look for California Thrashers, Bell's Sparrows, migrating warblers, and, on a clear day, great views of the Sierra and the surrounding geography. A botanist will be on the trip to provide background on the rare plants. Be prepared for three miles of moderate walking.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 20 participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field Trip Registration: Pre-registration is required and limited to 20 participants through Pine Hill Preserve contact Virginia Meyer to register.