This field trip is FULL.
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Field Trip Leader: Sonja Sorbo
Black-throated Gray Warbler, Image by Daniel Brown
This riparian habitat supports resident nesters and attracts spring migrants. We can expect to see passerines such as flycatchers, sparrows, warblers, woodpeckers and wrens. We will be hiking up and down over uneven dirt trails for about a mile. The trip should last about 3-4 hours. Rain Cancels.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 12 participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field trip participants should maintain adequate social distance.
Field trips leaders are authorized by the Sacramento Audubon Board to cancel field trips if unregistered participants attempt to join or stated precautions are not met.