This Field Trip is CANCELLED due to forecasted weather.
Field Trip Leader: Maureen Geiger
This is one of the best areas in the Valley for wintering raptors and can include Ferruginous and Rough-legged Hawks, Prairie Falcons and both Bald and Golden Eagles. More reliably found are Northern Harriers, White-tailed Kites and Red-tailed Hawks. We will check the fields for Horned Larks, Long-billed Curlews and American Pipits although numbers vary year to year. Mountain Plovers have been found in the past but are harder and harder to find. Other species include Say’s Phoebes, Western Bluebirds, and Savannah Sparrows. Mountain Bluebirds are possible.
FRS radios and spotting scopes are useful on this trip. Because some of the route involves pullouts on a busy highway, we should try to minimize the number of vehicles driven. Participants are encouraged to arrange their own carpools at the meeting site.
Meeting Location: Meet at the Mace Blvd Park and Ride.
Directions: From Sacramento, take I-80 west towards Davis to Mace Blvd, Exit #75, then right/north, right again at the signal, pass Ikeda’s Market, and right again into the parking lot at the big, round water tank. This trip will end by early afternoon.
COVID 19 Precautions: All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.