This trip is FULL. Registration is CLOSED for this trip.
Ring-billed Gull, Image by Daniel Brown
Field Trip Leader: Mark Martucci
Sailor Bar is on the north side of the American River across from Upper Sunrise. The habitat is a mix of riparian, oak woodland, open area, and gravel tailings. Live oaks and blue oaks are the predominant trees on the hillsides, and there are stands of willow, alder, and cottonwood along the river. Join Mark for a morning walk checking out resident birds and looking for wintering species as well.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend this field trip. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 8 participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field Trip Registration: This trip is full. Registration is CLOSED for this trip. Those who have already registered will be sent the exact location and other information. A Sacramento County Park Pass or $6 entry fee is required for all vehicles.