Registration is NOT required for this field trip.
Field Trip Leader: Mary Forrestal
Join Mary for an early morning walk checking out the local summer birds such as Bullock’s Oriole, Ash-throated Flycatcher, and Western Kingbird. We’ll start out nice and early in hopes of avoiding the worst of the heat. This is a good trip for both beginners and experienced birders.
Meeting Location: Meet at the last parking lot on your left, just before the boat launch parking area.
Directions: From Sacramento, take Highway 50 east to Exit 21, Hazel Avenue. Turn left at the light and proceed north 1.4 miles to Winding Way. Turn left on Winding Way, then proceed .5 miles to Illinois Avenue, where you will take another left. Sailor Bar is at the south end of Illinois Avenue. Meet at the last parking lot on your left, just before the boat launch parking area.
Parking and Fees: A Sacramento County Park Pass or $7 entry fee is required for all vehicles.
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Image by Mary Forrestal