Registration is required for this field trip.
Please email Chris to register.
Registration limited to 20 participants.
Blue Grosbeak, Image by Daniel Brown
Field Trip Leader: Chris Conard
Summer in Sacramento can be tough, but an early morning start can make for an enjoyable outing. We'll focus on trying to find a local specialty, Blue Grosbeak, and other summering species. Here in the low floodplain, the seasonal wetlands and riparian forests stay lush. We'll listen and look for summer singers, and we might even see a couple of blues (butterflies), a bluet or two (damselflies), and perhaps a blue dasher (dragonfly). The 2500-acre Bufferlands, surrounding the Sacramento Regional WTP, provide an open space buffer between the treatment plant and the community. A wealth of habitat has been preserved and enhanced by over 30 years of restoration of native habitats and management for wildlife. Expect a walk of up to two miles on mostly level gravel/dirt roads and mowed paths.
Directions and confirmation of exact meeting location and time will be provided upon registration.
COVID 19 Precautions: All participants and field trip leaders must be vaccinated.
Field Trip Registration: Email Chris to register for this field trip. Directions, confirmation of exact meeting location and time, and any other relevant information will be provided upon registration.