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Field Trip: Tahoe Hotspot 

Registration is required for this trip and will be limited to 6 participants. Please email Sonja to register.

Field Trip Leader: Sonja Sorbo

For this all day birding trip, we will hike 4-6 miles looking for montane species such as Clark’s Nutcracker, Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Western Tanager, Cassin’s Finch, Townsend’s Solitaire, and White-headed Woodpecker. Warblers such as MacGillivray’s, Nashville, Townsend’s and Hermit may cross our path as well. Sonja will scout the north and west Tahoe Basin prior to the trip and will select a hotspot for the day hike. There is a high likelihood that we will hike near Mount Rose. Participants will be limited so sign up early. You should be comfortable hiking for several miles at 7000-8000 feet in altitude. Much of the hiking will be on the flats but there will be some mild uphill/downhill sections.

Bring lots of water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, hats, (and bug repellant just in case). We will meet quite early in the morning (5:45 AM) because the drive may take close to two hours, depending on our final destination. You might consider a stay in the Tahoe area to enjoy the weekend and avoid so much driving.

Field Trip Registration: Registration is required for this trip and will be limited to 6 participants. Please email Sonja to register. Directions and confirmation of exact meeting location and time will be provided upon registration. 

White-headed Woodpecker, Image by Daniel Lee Brown

Earlier Event: August 3
Harvest Day 2024
Later Event: August 8
Twilight On The Bufferlands