Trip CANCELLED due to snow.
Field Trip Leader: Craig Swolgaard
Brown Creeper, Image by Daniel Brown
This trip will explore a little birded part of the Sierra Nevada off Ice House Road at over 6000 feet elevation. Tells Creek flows through Van Vleck meadow just west of the Desolation Wilderness. A trailhead for equestrians and hikers begins at the parking lot but we will follow a road that circles the meadow itself. This is a good spot to see a variety of Sierra Nevada birds including Lazuli Bunting, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Purple and Cassin’s Finch, Green-tailed Towhee, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Brown Creeper, and others.
In the past, an Indigo Bunting spent most of the summer there. The trip will include other stops as well. This trip will last into the early afternoon so bring a lunch and water. Hiking is easy and fairly level.
Directions and confirmation of exact meeting location and time will be provided upon registration.
COVID 19 Precautions:
All participants must register in advance to attend this field trip. Registration for this field trip will be limited to 8 participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field Trip Registration: Trip cancelled due to snow.