Registration is NOT required for this field trip.
Field Trip Leader: Brian Gilmore
This mature, riparian floodplain habitat near the Sacramento River is likely to produce good views of Western Wood-Pewee, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bullock's Oriole and Western Kingbird with Lazuli Bunting and Blue Grosbeak possible as well as swallows, bluebirds, wrens, Common Yellowthroat, Warbling Vireo and Swainson's Hawks. The 3-mile walk is fairly flat but the trail can be uneven. This area is somewhat isolated and can be very birdy. This trip will end by lunchtime, bring water and snacks. Restrooms are not available.
Directions: From downtown, take I-5 north, cross the Sacramento River, and take the first exit to county road 22; turn right/east on 22, then take the first left onto County Road 117 for 5.8 miles. Turn left/west on County Road 16 and drive to the levee and continue up onto the levee where the field trip leader will be.
Western Wood-Peewee