Gardens Gone Native Tour - Sacramento Valley CNPS — Sacramento Audubon Society
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Gardens Gone Native Tour - Sacramento Valley CNPS

10th Annual Gardens Gone Native Plant Tour
Sacramento Valley Chapter of the California Native Plant Society

The 10th Annual Gardens Gone Native plant tour features 25 California gardens in the Sacramento and Yolo county areas will be held on April 29, 9:30-4pm. Gardens are overall focused on California native plants and exemplify urban native plant landscaping. Professionally landscaped gardens, homeowner designs, as well as a school demo garden will be featured. Attendees can speak with garden hosts about their landscape design choices and challenges. Free registration will begin February 12 through eventbrite. Once registered the week before the tour tour day a map and garden description brochure will be emailed to all registrants. Hope to see you at this years spring tour!

The Gardens Gone Native Tour supports the mission of the California Native Plant Society SacValley chapter by raising awareness of the beauty and environmental functions of California’s diverse native plants. 

For further questions or technical issues email

Earlier Event: April 29
California Duck Days