Please check with Rodd if you plan to attend to confirm the trip is still happening on this date.
Field Trip Leader: Rodd Kelsey
Please join us for a series of weekday early morning walks at Paradise Beach between August and October for a theme of “Migration Watch”. The plan is to meet every other Thursday morning starting on August 8 and continuing until October 17th. This should allow us to be out during peak migration. We will typically do an approximately 1.5 mile loop with some open, shrub, and closed canopy forest habitats that may well attract more species than are typically reported. The walk will include trails, uneven ground, and sand, sometimes stepping over logs. Bring water and a snack.
Meeting Location: Meet Rodd at the Glenn Hall Park parking lot.
Directions: From H Street, (north side of Sac State University), take Carlson Ave north until it crosses Sandburg and dead ends into the park.
American Wigeon, Image by Dana J. Miller-Blair