Registration is not required for this trip.
Field Trip Leader: Cathie LaZier
Spotted Sandpiper, Image by Daniel Brown
We'll walk through the oak woodland and over to the river, looking for small woodland birds and woodpeckers. We sometimes have good looks at Red-Shouldered hawks or Great Horned owls. The walk will end by noon and it's a great walk for beginners. Meet Cathie at the 1st parking lot on your right, just past the entrance kiosk.
Meeting Location: River Bend Park, 2300 Rod Beaudry Dr, Sacramento, CA 95827
Directions: From Folsom Blvd, between Bradshaw and Mather Field Road, take Beaudry Drive north into the park.
Parking and Fees: A Sacramento county Parks Pass, or $6 entry fee is required for all vehicles.
COVID 19 Precautions: All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.