January 2024 Speaker Presentation
Birding Above the Artic Circle
Presented by Glyn and Sylvia Dawson
Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Glyn and Sylvia Dawson arrived in the US from England in 1967. In the mid 80’s we joined Thorn Creek Audubon in the Chicago suburbs and enjoyed bird counts and local outings. Glyn as professor of biology and microbiology at the University of Chicago was invited to many meetings overseas. What an opportunity to enjoy birding worldwide. Now retired, we are living in Granite Bay CA where our youngest son lives close by. We are excited to present our slide presentation “Birding Above the Arctic Circle” a record of our cruise around the island of Svalbard 400 miles North of Norway.
Attend the Meeting and Presentation
This meeting will be a hybrid session. Participants can join the meeting on-site at Effie Yeaw Nature Center or from the comfort of their home via Zoom.
Attend the Meeting in Person
We will host a watch party at Effie Yeaw. The speaker will be joining us via Zoom. Registration is not necessary to attend the meeting at Effie Yeaw.
Effie Yeaw Nature Center
2850 San Lorenzo Way
Carmichael, CA
Attend the Meeting online via Zoom
If you would like to attend the meeting via Zoom you will need to register for the meeting. Registration is required due to space limitations set by Zoom.
You must register to attend the online meeting on ZOOM, but you do not need a ZOOM account to join the meeting. After registering for the online Zoom meeting, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the meeting. (You do not need to register to attend the meeting at Effie Yeaw.)
Please email our Meeting Coordinator if you have any questions about the monthly speaker meetings.