This is a Sacramento Valley Conservancy event.
Join experienced docents for a venture to the southern part of Deer Creek Hills, Sacramento’s largest open space preserve. The lovely South Pond is home to Wilson’s Snipe, Sora and vocal (and many times visible) Virginia Rail. Up to 31 Snipe have been observed at one time sunning themselves along the pond’s edge. Along the way docents will relate the different lifestyles of our migratory and resident woodpecker species.
We will make a nice transect through the old growth blue oak woodland looking for winter and year-round resident birds that call this place home; such as Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Lark Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Bushtits and an assortment of raptors overhead. We will meet at Eagle Camp Corral at 6:45am. Promptly at 7am we will carpool/caravan in vehicles with higher clearance from the corral to the hiking start near the South Pond. This is a cross country trek on cattle trails. Expect wet grass in the morning even if the weather is clear. Mute-toned clothing please and no stark white. Bring your binoculars, scope and camera. Docents will have at least one scope for the group. Bring water and a snack.
Pre-register and pay before 6pm on Friday and
Complete a liability waiver before arriving
Donations are vital to maintaining the Preserve and offering public outings. Consider donating online or leaving a few bucks in the donation jar at the registration table. If the fee is a burden please request a fee waiver by emailing info@sacramentovalleyconservancy.og.
We have put procedures and policies in place for the safety of the public, volunteers, and staff. We are only able to offer public hikes/rides and activities if all the following protocols are observed. Thank you for your cooperation.
You must register by 6pm the evening prior, pay the $10 per adult fee, and sign a liability waiver. Registration fees are not refundable but can be transferred to a future outing if you contact us ahead of time. If you plan to attend 8 or more outings (rides or hikes) in the next 12 months, consider purchasing a Season Pass for $75. You will still need to register for each individual outing to reserve a spot.
The road to access Deer Creek Hills is not paved and requires crossing Crevis Creek. 4WD and higher clearance vehicles are recommended, especially in the spring when there is water in Crevis Creek, but are not required. Visitors who do not want to drive through the creek crossing may choose to park along the shoulder of Latrobe Road, cross on foot, and walk the remaining mile to the trailhead at Eagle Camp Corral. All properties before the creek crossing are private property. Please respect our neighbors. Do not cross gates or climb fences.
All events are subject to weather conditions. Projected rain, high creek levels, or extremely muddy conditions on the Preserve may cancel the outing. We will do our best to notify registered guests the evening prior via email. In the case of inclement weather please check our online calendar for cancellation postings before you travel to the preserve.
There is no running water on site. Arrive hydrated and bring plenty of drinking water. Porta-potties are available at the trailhead and serviced every Friday. Bring your own hand sanitizer. Leave No Trace Ethics; Pack It In – Pack It Out.
Review the information on your confirmation email advising you of what to bring and how to prepare. Check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. Wearing layers is recommended, wear sturdy closed-toed shoes, and bring a cell phone, snacks and plenty of water.
If you have any flu-like symptoms or physical injuries, please stay home and join us another time.
Print and fill out this Liability Waiver and bring it with you. It is recommended that your emergency contact not be someone who is attending with you, just in case you are both injured.
Mud and Dirt! Please clean boots, hooves, gear and all tires before coming to the preserve. Managing invasive species costs us thousands each year. Clean gear helps keep the preserve open for recreation.
Animals. No dogs or pets allowed on the preserve, except working service dogs (please let us know when you register online and check in with a staff member upon your arrival)
Drones or other remote-controlled gadgets
Hunting and fishing gear
Shovels or mining gear (unless tools were specifically requested for a volunteer project you signed up for)
Dirt bikes and ATVs
Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, lighters and matches. Smoking is strictly prohibited and fire is a major concern on the Preserve.
Have your completed Liability Waiver Form
Utilize our Boot Brush station to help prevent the introduction of invasive species.
Trails are marked. For your safety and to respect the Preserve, please do not venture off the marked trails or separate from the guided group. Let one of our docents know if you need to stop and rest.
Adult Release of Liability – please print, complete, and bring with you
Minor Release of Liability – only required if you are chaperoning minors of which you are NOT a legal guardian
Extreme weather, unsafe air quality, rain or flooding on Latrobe Road will close Deer Creek Hills. Registrants will be notified via email and given the option to transfer registration to any future hike that has not hit capacity, or donate fees to stewardship & trail maintenance projects on the Preserve. Registration payments are not refundable. If you have extenuating circumstances or are unable to attend, please contact us as soon as possible for assistance. Ticket transfer requests can be directed to Amy Rodrigues
If you have additional questions about outings at Deer Creek Hills, please contact SVC Program Coordinator, Carly Amatisto at (916) 612-3719 or
Wilson’s Snipe, Image by Daniel Brown