Registration is required for this trip.
Email Chris Conard to register for this field trip.
Field Trip Leader: Chris Conard
Summer in Sacramento can be tough, but an early morning start can make for an enjoyable outing. We'll focus on trying to find a local specialty, Blue Grosbeak, and other summering species. We might even see a couple of blues (butterflies), a bluet or two (damselflies), and perhaps a blue dasher (dragonfly). The 2500-acre Bufferlands, surrounding the Sacramento Regional WTP, provide an open space buffer between the treatment plant and the community. A wealth of habitat has been preserved and enhanced by over 30 years of restoration of native habitats and management for wildlife. Expect a walk of up to two miles on mostly level, fairly even terrain.
Registration: Email Chris Conard to register for this trip. Directions and meeting place will be provided upon registration.
COVID 19 Precautions: All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.