Field Trip Leader: Mackenzie Hollender,
Supervisor: Kevin Hollender
This is a Young Birders Club field trip. Participation is limited to members of the Sacramento Valley Young Birders Club. Registration is through the young birders club Slack. Please go to to become a member.
Come explore this dense riparian corridor in Yolo county with us! The Babel slough features a mixed riparian woodland that runs along a body of water. Occasionally the woods open up to meadows. In May, this site is a great place to look for the elusive and melodic Yellow-breasted Chat, and the striking Lazuli Bunting, both migrants that pass through during spring. We also have a good chance of seeing other migrants, such as Warbling Vireo, Black-throated Gray and Townsend's Warbler, as well as summer residents such as Ash-throated Flycatcher, Western Flycatcher, Black-chinned Hummingbird, and Hooded Oriole. We may also see Black-crowned Night Heron and Wood Duck in the slough. Sunscreen, Bug spray, and snacks may be necessary. There will be no restrooms.
Lazuli Bunting, Image by Mary Forrestal