Geese, Swans, and Ducks

Snow Goose


Ross’s Goose


Great-white Fronted Goose


Cackling Goose


Canada Goose


Mute Swan


Trumpeter Swan


Tundra Swan


Wood Duck

Learn more about the Wood Duck.


Blue-winged Teal

Blue-winged Teal are more likely to be found at Davis Wetlands, Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, and Bridgeway Island Pond. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Cinnamon Teal


Northern Shoveler




Eurasian Wigeon

Eurasian Wigeon are more likely to be found at Colusa National Wildlife Area and Cosumnes River Preserve. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


American Wigeon




Northern Pintail


Green-winged Teal





Redheads are more likely to be found at Davis Wetlands. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Ring-necked Duck


Greater Scaup

Greater Scaup are more likely to be found at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Lesser Scaup


Surf Scoter



Learn more about the Bufflehead.


Common Goldeneye


Barrow’s Goldeneye

Barrow’s Goldeneye are more likely to be found at Nimbus Fish Hatchery and Lake Solano and Upper Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser are more likely to be found at Lake Solano and Upper Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Common Merganser


Red-breasted Merganser


Ruddy Duck

Quails, Turkey, and Pheasant

Mountain Quail

Mountain Quail are more likely to be found on Sand Creek Road, Rayhouse Road, and at Montecello Dam and Cold Canyon. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


California Quail


Wild Turkey


Ring-necked Pheasant

Learn more about the Ring-necked Pheasant.


Pied-billed Grebe

Learn more about the Pied-billed Grebe.


Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Western Grebe

Western Grebe are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Clark’s Grebe

Clark’s Grebe are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.

Pigeons and Doves

Rock Pigeon


Band-tailed Pigeon


Eurasian Collared-Dove


Mourning Dove

Learn more about the Mourning Dove.

Roadrunner, Cuckoo, Nighthawk, and Poorwill

Greater Roadrunner


Yellow-billed Cuckoo


Lesser Nighthawk

Lesser Nighthawk are more likely to be found along Meiss Road. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Swifts and Hummingbirds

Vaux’s Swift


White-throated Swift


Black-chinned Hummingbird


Anna’s Hummingbird


Costa’s Hummingbird


Calliope Hummingbird


Rufous Hummingbird


Allen’s Hummingbird

Rails, Gallinule, Coot, and Crane

Virginia Rail




Common Gallinule


American Coot


Black Rail


Sandhill Crane


Black-necked Stilt


American Avocet


Black-bellied Plover


Pacific Golden-Plover




Semipalmated Plover


Mountain Plover

Mountain Plovers are more likely to be found on Robinson Road. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Snowy Plover




Long-billed Curlew


Marbled Godwit


Short-billed Dowitcher


Long-billed Dowitcher


Wilson’s Snipe


Wilson’s Phalarope


Red-necked Phalarope


Spotted Sandpiper


Solitary Sandpiper


Lesser Yellowlegs




Greater Yellowlegs








Baird’s Sandpiper


Least Sandpiper


Pectoral Sandpiper


Western Sandpiper


Semipalmated Sandpiper


Gulls and Terns

Bonaparte’s Gull


Short-billed Gull


Ring-billed Gull


Western Gull


Herring Gull


Glaucous Gull

Glaucous Gulls are more likely to be found at the ponds at County Rd 104. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Lesser Black-backed Gull


California Gull


Glaucous-winged Gull

Glaucous-winged Gulls are more likely to be found the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, Davis Wetlands, and the ponds at County Rd 104. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Iceland Gull

Iceland Gulls are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, Nimbus Fish Hatchery, and the ponds at County Rd 104. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Least Tern


Caspian Tern


Black Tern


Foster’s Tern

Loons, Cormorant, and Pelican

Pacific Loon

Pacific Loons are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Common Loon

Common Loons are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Double-crested Cormorant

Learn more about the Double-crested Cormorant.


American White Pelican

Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, and Ibis

American Bittern


Least Bittern


Black-crowned Night-Heron


Snowy Egret

Learn more about the Snowy Egret.


Green Heron


Western Cattle Egret


Great Egret

Learn more about the Great Egret.


Great Blue Heron


Glossy Ibis


White-faced Ibis

Vulture, Osprey, Hawks, and Owls

Turkey Vulture

Learn more about the Turkey Vulture.



Learn more about the Osprey.


White-tailed Kite


Golden Eagle


Northern Harrier


Sharp-shinned Hawk


Cooper’s Hawk


Bald Eagle

Learn more about the Bald Eagle.


Red-shouldered Hawk


Swainson’s Hawk


Red-tailed Hawk

Learn more about the Red-tailed Hawk.


Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawks are more likely to be found in the Lincoln Grasslands, Dunnigan Hills, and on Robinson Road. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Ferruginous Hawk

Ferruginous Hawks are more likely to be found in the Lincoln Grasslands, Dunnigan Hills, and on Robinson Road. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Barn Owl

Learn more about the Barn Owl.


Western Screech-Owl


Great Horned Owl

Learn more about the Great Horned Owl.


Northern Pygmy Owl


Burrowing Owl


Long-eared Owl


Short-eared Owl

Kingfisher and Woodpeckers

Belted Kingfisher

Learn more about the Belted Kingfisher.


Red-naped Sapsucker


Red-breasted Sapsucker

Learn more about the Red-breasted Sapsucker.


Lewis’s Woodpecker


Acorn Woodpecker


Downy Woodpecker


Nuttall’s Woodpecker

Learn more about the Nuttall’s Woodpecker.


Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpeckers are more likely to be found at Lake Solano and Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpeckers are more likely to be found at Lake Solano and Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Northern Flicker


American Kestrel




Peregrine Falcon


Prairie Falcon

Prairie Falcon are more likely to be found in the Lincoln Grasslands, Dunnigan Hills, and along Robinson Road. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Olive-sided Flycatcher


Western Wood-Peewee


Willow Flycatcher


Hammond’s Flycatcher


Gray Flycatcher


Dusky Flycatcher


Western Flycatcher


Black Phoebe

Learn more about the Black Phoebe.


Say’s Phoebe


Ash-throated Flycatcher


Western Kingbird

Vireos and Shrikes

Hutton’s Vireo


Cassin’s Vireo


Plumbeous Vireo


Warbling Vireo


Loggerhead Shrike


Northern Shrike

Jays, Magpie, Crow, and Raven

Steller’s Jay


California Scrub-Jay

Learn more about the California Scrub Jay.


Yellow-billed Magpie


American Crow


Common Raven

Learn more about the Common Raven.

Chickadee, Titmouse, Lark, Swallows, and Martin

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Chestnut-backed Chickadee are more likely to be found at Lake Solano and Upper Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Oak Titmouse


Horned Lark


Bank Swallow


Tree Swallow


Violet-green Swallow


Purple Martin


Northern Rough-winged Swallow


Barn Swallow


Cliff Swallow

Bushtit, Wrentit, Kinglets, Nuthatches, and Creeper


Learn more about the Bushtit.




Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Learn about the Ruby-crowned Kinglet.


Golden-crowned Kinglet


White-breasted Nuthatch


Red-breasted Nuthatch


Brown Creeper

Gnatcatcher, Wrens, and Dipper

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher


Rock Wren

Rock Wren are more likely to be found at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Canyon Wren

Canyon Wren are more likely to be found at Montecello Dam and Cold Canyon. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


House Wren


Pacific Wren


Marsh Wren


Bewick’s Wren


American Dipper

American Dipper are more likely to be found at Montecello Dam and Cold Canyon. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.