Starling, Thrasher, and Mockingbird

European Starling


California Thrasher


Northern Mockingbird

Learn more about the Northern Mockingbird.


Western Bluebird

Learn more about the Western Bluebird.


Mountain Bluebird


Varied Thrush


Swainson’s Thrush


Hermit Thrush

Learn more about the Hermit Thrush.


American Robin

Waxwing, Phainopepla, House Sparrow, and Pipit

Cedar Waxwing

Learn more about the Cedar Waxwing.




House Sparrow


American Pipit

Finches and Allies

Evening Grosbeak


House Finch


Purple Finch


Red Crossbill


Pine Siskin


Lesser Goldfinch


Lawrence’s Goldfinch

Lawrence’s Goldfinch are more likely to be found at Spenceville Wildlife Area, Sand Creek Road, and Deer Creek Hills. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


American Goldfinch

Sparrows and Towhees

Grasshopper Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrows are more likely to be found at Deer Creek Hills. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.


Chipping Sparrow


Brewer’s Sparrow


Lark Sparrow


Fox Sparrow


Dark-eyed Junco

Learn more about the Dark-eyed Junco.


White-crowned Sparrow

Learn more about the White-crowned Sparrow.


Golden-crowned Sparrow


White-throated Sparrow


Bell’s Sparrow


Vesper Sparrow


Savannah Sparrow


Song Sparrow


Lincoln’s Sparrow


Swamp Sparrow


California Towhee


Rufous-crowned Sparrow


Green-tailed Towhee


Spotted Towhee

Learn more about the Spotted Towhee.

Chat, Blackbirds, and Orioles

Yellow-breasted Chat


Yellow-headed Blackbird


Western Meadowlark

Hooded Oriole


Bullock’s Oriole


Red-winged Blackbird


Tricolored Blackbird


Brown-headed Cowbird


Brewer’s Blackbird


Great-tailed Grackle


Tennessee Warbler


Orange-crowned Warbler


Nashville Warbler


MacGillivray's Warbler


Common Yellowthroat


Yellow Warbler


Chestnut-sided Warbler


Blackpoll Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler


Black-throated Gray Warbler


Townsend’s Warbler


Hermit Warbler


Wilson’s Warbler

Tanagers, Grosbeaks, and Buntings

Summer Tanager


Western Tanager


Black-headed Grosbeak

Learn more about the Black-headed Grosbeak.


Blue Grosbeak


Lazuli Bunting


Indigo Bunting