Upcoming Field Trips
Sacramento Audubon is gradually returning to volunteer-led field trips. As the pandemic continues, we have added precautions for everyone’s safety. We are only offering a few field trips each month and registration is required for all participants. More field trips will be offered as we gain experience with this new way of doing things. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
COVID - 19 Protocols
All participants must register in advance to attend. Please only sign up if you are committed to attending as field trips have a limited number of participants.
All participants, including field trip leaders, must be vaccinated.
Field trip participants should maintain adequate social distance.
There will be no sharing of binoculars, scopes or other optics on any field trips.
Additional restrictions may be required, such as proof of vaccine or face masks. It varies with each field trip. Please read the description of the field trip carefully. Do not register for a field trip if you are unwilling to comply with the stated COVID precautions.
Field trips leaders are authorized by the Sacramento Audubon Board to cancel field trips if unregistered participants attempt to join or stated precautions are not met.
To Register for a Field Trip:
Select the field trip by clicking on the photo or title shown below the photo.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out your name and email address.
You will be sent an email by our Registration Coordinator within 48 hours. The first participants to register will be sent an email with meeting location and directions. Remaining registrants will be added to a waiting list.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend.
If registration for a field trip is closed, this means the field trip and waiting list are full. Click on the name or photo of a field trip to find out if registration for the field trip is open, closed, or coming up.
If you have questions or need help, email our Registration Coordinator.