Volunteer with Sacramento Audubon
As an entirely volunteer run organization, volunteers are essential to our continuance. Current volunteer openings include Education Chair and Conservation Chair. Visit our volunteer page to see other opportunities.
Education Chair
The Education Chair is a volunteer position that coordinates the efforts of lead volunteers on the Education Committee. The chair and lead volunteers are responsible for a variety of activities focused on reaching out to both adults and children. Examples of these activities include community outreach, beginning birder activities, and family friendly and youth activities.
The Education Chair also serves as the primary contact to the general public, fielding inquiries and passing them on to the appropriate committee member. If you are interested in this position and helping Sacramento Audubon fulfill one of its primary missions, please contact the President of Sacramento Audubon.
Conservation Chair
The Conservation Chair is the Sacramento Audubon’s point person for bird conservation issues in the Sacramento area. This individual serves as Sacramento Audubon's representative to Habitat 2020/ECOS, a consortium of local conservation groups. Habitat 2020 considers most local conservation issues and how to address them in a unified manner. The Conservation Chair is expected to attend Habitat/ECOS 2020 meetings and update the Sacramento Audubon Board on issues as they arise. The Conservation Chair may also form a Conservation Committee to work on specific issues such as comment letters, campaigns, or outreach. Contact the President of Sacramento Audubon for more information or to volunteer.