Saturday, February 19, 2022
Location: Duck Pond at McKinley Park, Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento
Time: 10 a.m. - noon
Come out and help pick up around the neighborhood at beautiful McKinley Park. Let's build some community and beautify this park, the areas around Sutter Middle School, and our roadways! We'll meet by the Duck Pond at McKinley Park. This is a great event to bring children to, and anyone that needs community service credits is more than welcome!
Bring your buckets, trash bags and pickers--and high visibility clothing is encouraged.
Participation in any SPIU! events is at your own risk. If you participate in any group events promoted by Sacramento Picks it Up!, you agree to hold harmless any organizer, person, and/or organization involved.
SAFETY FIRST! We always recommend good quality gloves and use of a trash picker, plus sturdy shoes. Terrain may be uneven, wet or muddy. Long-sleeves and long pants are advised. If you are on Facebook, you can also check out the GUIDES tab for various helpful tips on gear, safety protocols and 311 requests etc.
All events are BYOB (buckets) & G (gloves and grabbers)! Please also bring your own water and snacks. We have extra supplies to loan out if anyone needs anything.
… and thank you for volunteering to clean up our city and its waterways.