This is a Sacramento Valley Conservancy event. Registration and prepayment are required.
Join experienced docents for a venture to the southern part of Deer Creek Hills, Sacramento’s largest open space preserve. The lovely South Pond is home to Wilson’s Snipe, Sora and vocal (and many times visible) Virginia Rail. Up to 31 Snipe have been observed at one time sunning themselves along the pond’s edge. Along the way docents will relate the different lifestyles of our migratory and resident woodpecker species.
We will make a nice transect through the old growth blue oak woodland looking for winter and year-round resident birds that call this place home; such as Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Lark Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Bushtits and an assortment of raptors overhead. We will meet at Eagle Camp Corral at 6:45am. Promptly at 7am we will carpool/caravan in vehicles with higher clearance from the corral to the hiking start near the South Pond. This is a cross country trek on cattle trails. Expect wet grass in the morning even if the weather is clear. Mute-toned clothing please and no stark white. Bring your binoculars, scope and camera. Docents will have at least one scope for the group. Bring water and a snack.
Pre-register and pay before 6pm on Friday and
Complete a liability waiver before arriving
Wood Duck, Image by Dana J. Miller-Blair