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SAS Field Trip: Cosumnes River Preserve

Registration is NOT required for this field trip.

Field Trip Leader: Jason Talbott

Some of the winter waterfowl will have left but many will still be present, along with our resident birds, including raptors. This trip will cover both the flooded fields to the west and east of the visitors’ center, along with trails to the Cosumnes River. We will look for Common Yellow-throat, Marsh Wren, Virginia Rail, Song Sparrow, and the elegant Northern Harrier.

Meet Jason at the main parking lot by the restrooms. From I-5 southbound take the Twin Cities Boulevard exit east (#498). Follow Twin Cities Road for 3 miles (go over the railroad tracks). Turn right on Bruceville Road, go one mile and turn right on Desmond Road. Follow Desmond for 1 mile (back over the railroad tracks) and turn left on Franklin Blvd. Travel 1 mile (past the first parking lot on the right) and turn left into the main parking lot. Further directions and maps are available at .

Marsh Wren, Image by Daniel Lee Brown