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Blue-winged Teal are more likely to be found at Davis Wetlands, Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, and Bridgeway Island Pond. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.
Eurasian Wigeon are more likely to be found at Colusa National Wildlife Area and Cosumnes River Preserve. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.
Redheads are more likely to be found at Davis Wetlands. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.
Greater Scaup are more likely to be found at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.
Barrow’s Goldeneye are more likely to be found at Nimbus Fish Hatchery and Lake Solano and Upper Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.
Hooded Merganser are more likely to be found at Lake Solano and Upper Putah Creek. More information can be found on the Sacramento Area Birds Checklist Map.