Sacramento Audubon was founded in 1950, and for over seventy years has always relied on volunteers. Truly countless hours have been spent on organizing birding trips, education, fund raising, and protecting our sacred birds. Over the past two years I’ve had the pleasure working with the following volunteers who are transitioning their roles with Sacramento Audubon; Bill Bianco (Past President), Daphne Reiner (Outgoing Vice President), and Maureen Geiger (Field Activities Chair). Bill and Daphne’s term ended in June. Bill is still Chair of the Bobelaine Sanctuary Committee and will remain on the Board as Past President for one more year. Maureen will be stepping down as Field Activities Chair in September, but will still belong to the Committee and lead trips. The following is a little background on their many years of service, along with some words of thanks from those that have worked with them over the years.
Bill Bianco
Bill Bianco joined the board in August 2015 as a director. He became Vice-President in August 2016 and President in August 2018. In addition to being President these last four years, which requires an enormous amount of work, he worked as the Outreach Committee Chair, contributing countless hours towards connecting Sacramento Audubon Society to the people in our area. Bill's responsibilities as Outreach Chair include: registering for the individual table events, organizing volunteers for every event, educating the public about our local wild birds, making sure educational materials are available, and transporting the outreach gear to and from events!
Jane Van Kessel who serves on the Board, had this to say about Bill:
Bill Bianco has been a great leader for Sacramento Audubon Society for several years. As President, Bill had a strong commitment to tackle every task that came up. Whenever a problem or concern would arise, he had the special ability to know which steps to take first. Bill was a ‘team’ leader and always asked his fellow Board members for input. Because of his leadership strengths, Bill enabled the Board to come up with the best solutions and make sound decisions. Bill has also devoted an enormous amount of his time and effort towards the maintenance and overall well-being of Audubon’s precious Bobelaine Sanctuary. He continues to serve as the Chair of the Bobelaine Committee. Thank you, Bill, for everything you do and have done for our organization. - Jane Van Kessel
The fact that this wonderful property (Bobelaine Sanctuary) exists and is in the best shape it has been in since its inception is in large part due to Bill’s efforts. He is a wonderful steward and deserves many, many thanks! - Maureen Geiger
Daphne Reimer
Daphne Reimer joined the board in September 2018 as a director and Hospitality Chair, and became Vice-President in August 2019, stepping down in June. Daphne was a “go-getter” and tackled new ground for our organization. She worked closely with Mary Forrestal, Board member and Recording Secretary.
Mary had this to say about Daphne:
I was privileged to work with Daphne on both the SAS board and website committee. Her intelligence, creativity, and willingness to push for what she believed made her a valuable asset that will greatly be missed. She led the Board in establishing the SAS cat policy, the Nature in the Classroom program, and our sponsorship of the Amplify the Future Scholarship. She helped out in numerous other ways, and I will miss her sense of humor and endless flow of ideas. Thank you Daphne. - Mary Forrestal
Maureen Geiger
What do you say about Maureen Geiger, well you simply can’t say enough in my opinion. She is the reason I joined the Board and have become impassioned working for this wonderful organization. Maureen has been a member of Sacramento Audubon since the 70’s, served on the Board, and on the Field Activities Committee since the 90’s, along with many other positions.
To get the real picture of her vast volunteer work, here is what Chris Conard had to say:
An organization like Sacramento Audubon Society simply couldn't function without people like Maureen. I've known her for over 20 years and she's been at the center of so many programs, from field trips and the Field Activities Committee, initiating and organizing the Kids' CBC, the Education Committee, and taking on that one more project that would have fallen through the cracks without her. She was instrumental in updating the last edition of Birding in the Sacramento Region and in getting that information on the SAS website. She was also a huge help when I started compiling the Folsom CBC, leading her area and helping me get organized in the first few years. Maureen is one of the rare people who gives back far more than she takes. Plus, she's a lot of fun to talk to, go birding with, and she's a great friend! - Chris Conard
Dan Tankersely, a long time friend of Maureen and a birding trip leader for many many years, had this to share about her:
As are most folks on the Field Activities Committee, Maureen is an above average birder. But more than that, she is dedicated to helping SAS be all it can be. She served on the SAS Board and the Field Activities Committee for many years, and has participated in countless projects in many different capacities. She developed the “Kids Christmas Bird Count” and was instrumental in bringing “Family Friendly” field trips to the Field Trip Schedule. Maureen is a “Can Do” person, and always accomplishes what she sets out to do.
New volunteers help keep Sacramento Audubon working. Recently Taylor Florence joined the Board and joined the Bobelaine Sanctuary Committee. Bill Weaver joined the Board and will be chairing the Conservation Committee. Susan Goodrich also recently joined the Board and will be taking on Maureen’s role as Chair of the Field Activities Committee.
I am so honored to be working with such amazing people! Together we can continue the legacy that is Sacramento Audubon. We can build on their hard work, foster a culture of diversity and inclusiveness, and ensure our sacred birds are protected and cherished for countless generations in the future!
- Paul Miller