A Yes Vote for Raptors

A great big Thank You to all those who received and acted upon our latest Action Alert.  AB 1788 passed the California Senate and House last night.  This bill places a moratorium on the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. These poisonous toxins kill not only the rats they are intended for but also kill the hawks, owls, foxes, mountain lions and all those that feed upon the poisoned rodents.

If you’d like to participate and receive Sacramento Audubon Action Alerts, sign-up for Action Alerts by entering your name and email address in the form at the bottom of this screen. Action Alert emails focus on local conservation and birding issues and always include a specific action you can take.

For more information on AB 1788 and what you can do to help eliminate the use of anticoagulant and other poisonous rodenticides by pest control companies visit Raptors Are the Solution, a non-profit organization dedicated to this purpose.

Red-tailed Hawk by Dan Brown