The wheels of non-profits grind slowly! We started the process of changing our name more than two years ago. Now the Board is ready to hold a meeting to obtain a vote from our members. Our by-laws require an in-person meeting to adopt changes. As stated in the by-laws, alterations or amendments require a vote by, “…two-thirds (2/3) of SAS’s voting members present at a membership meeting.” This meeting will be held on Thursday, May 15 at 7 p.m. at Effie Yeaw Nature Center.
The Board has chosen “Sacramento Bird Alliance” as our proposed new name. The term “bird alliance” has become the most prevalent name for chapters across the Country. Name recognition is critical to our continued conservation efforts. In the interim we will also add the term “formally known as the Sacramento Audubon Society,” until the new name is common knowledge. We are also committed to reaching out to our nonprofit and agency partners to ensure our name change is well known and does not hinder our ability to achieve local and regional bird conservation.
Changing our name is more than symbolic. Our desire is focused on inclusion, and removing any barriers, perceived or real, especially during these difficult political times. To enact these changes we have formed the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) Committee, which currently has nine members! The world of birding can be intimidating to newcomers. The Committee’s goal is to promote activities that are welcoming to a wide spectrum of people, and make these events a safe place by creating a sense of belonging. These events will be birding related, but people centric. We will reach out to various communities within the Sacramento region that have been, or might feel marginalized. If you, or someone you know, is interested in getting involved with the EDIB Committee, or simply has some ideas to share, please contact Paul Miller at If you have information regarding any local community groups that might benefit from these events, also please pass that along.
Status of Name Change - Sacramento Audubon Society - May 14, 2024
Name Change Survey - Sacramento Audubon Society - September 20, 2023
Birds Connect - Sacramento Audubon Society - July 20, 2023
Ensuring An Inclusive Future Part II - Sacramento Audubon Society - May 21, 2023
Ensuring An Inclusive Future Part I - Sacramento Audubon Society - April 19, 2023
National Audubon Society Announces Decision to Retain Current Name - National Audubon Society - March 16, 2023
Our New Name - Golden Gate Bird Alliance - August 13, 2023