The City of Roseville is beginning the process of developing a strategic master plan for Roseville Parks, Recreation, and Libraries. Citizens of Roseville are invited to join a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, September 28 at 6:30pm. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of Roseville Parks, to include more native plants as habitat for insects and birds.
According to the City of Roseville’s website:
Your involvement is mission critical
In order to make this plan truly reflective of the community today, and the community we want to become, we need your input. In the coming months, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback through a combination of surveys and public meetings (both in person and virtually).
To register to attend the September 28th meeting click here.
You can read more about the PRL Strategic Master Plan Process on the City of Roseville’s website.
Young birder in Roseville’s Mahany Open Space.