Go Birding for California Biodiversity Day

The Department of Fish & Wildlife, along with many other state agencies, is celebrating California Biodiversity Day (September 7th) for a whole week in September, from the 7–15, with various events and activities, such as guided walks, restoration efforts, BioBlitzes, and more!

California Biodiversity Day was established in 2018 as part of the state’s first California Biodiversity Initiative to safeguard the state’s natural heritage in response to the growing loss of biodiversity and ecosystem function across the state. In 2020, the California 30x30 initiative was signed through a groundbreaking Executive Order to protect 30% of California’s lands and waters by 2030. Together, these initiatives aim to protect biodiversity, build resilience to climate change, and ensure equitable access to nature for all Californians. By participating in California Biodiversity Day, you can connect to and learn more about the nature around you while also contributing to these important conservation targets!

Birding for California Biodiversity Day is easy!

  1. Go birding anytime between Sept 7 - 15th, 2024

  2. Submit your observations in eBird

  3. Share your eBird checklist with the username “CaliforniaBiodiversityDay”

By sharing your check-lists you are contributing to a collaborative state-wide bird report for California Biodiversity Week. Check out the California Biodiversity Week eBird Trip Report to view all of the birds observed during the week!

Biodiversity Week Challenge 2024: Find 30 Species

Discover the nature around you! Using the iNaturalist app, join the challenge, and then observe and photograph at least 30 wild critters from anywhere in California between Sept. 7 - 15th, and submit them to iNaturalist! For more information on the Find 30 Challenge and California Biodiversity Day visit the CDFW’s California Biodiviersity Day website.