Black Phoebe, Image by Timothy Jackson
Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join in February 17-20, 2023, when the world comes together for the love of birds.
Participating is easy, fun to do alone or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds.
Participate with Others
If you want to join others in watching birds this weekend check out these fun local birding events.
Saturday, February 18 - Sacramento Valley Conservancy Bird Walk
Saturday, February 18 - Ducks in Scopes at Cosumnes River Preserve
Saturday, February 18 - Effie Yeaw Family Friendly Nature Walk
Saturday, February 18 - Sacramento Audubon Field Trip to Cosumnes River Preserve
Sunday, February 19 - Sacramento Audubon Field Trip to Cosumnes River Preserve
Want to participate on your own.
Follow these simple steps to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Step 1: Decide where you will watch birds.
Step 2: Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 17-20, 2023.
Step 3: Identify all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings:
If you are a beginning bird admirer and new to bird identification, try using the Merlin Bird ID app to tell us what birds you are seeing or hearing.
If you have participated in the count before and want to record numbers of birds, try the eBird Mobile app or enter your bird list on the eBird website (desktop/laptop).
If you already contribute to Merlin or eBird, continue what you are doing! All entries over the 4-days count towards GBBC.
For more information on the Great Backyard Bird Count, visit