Join us online on May 20, 2021 at 7pm for Populations and Habitat of the Yellow-billed Magpie in Sacramento, presented by Dan Airola.
For many years, Dan observed the spotty distribution of the Yellow-billed Magpie within Sacramento. He undertook this study to explain why magpies are common in some areas and absent in others. He and his colleagues, Lily Douglas and daughter Layla, surveyed sites with magpies, described habitat conditions, and created a model that predicts the size of population based on habitat conditions. They then tested the model by surveying over 40 sites with appropriate conditions. What factors explain magpie occurrence and abundance? Tune in to find out!
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Yellow-billed Magpie, Image by Chris Conard
More about Dan Airola
Dan Airola is a Wildlife Biologist and Ornithologist who has lived in Sacramento since 1985. Dan conducts research and conservation management for birds of concern in Sacramento and surrounding areas, often with support from Sacramento Audubon. Study species have included Purple Martins, Tricolored Blackbirds, Swainson’s Hawks, and migratory and wintering songbirds. He serves the Central Valley Bird Club as a board member, Conservation Chair, and Editor of the journal Central Valley Birds. His recent book on 20 years of research and management on Purple Martins is available at
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