Deadline Extended - Help Shape the Future of the American River Parkway

Originally published August 1, 2020

The deadline to the complete the online survey has been exteded to September 15. There is still time to make your voice heard and help with the development of the Natural Resources Maangement Plan for the American River Parkway.

The Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks is in the process of creating a Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP) for the American River Parkway and they want to hear from you. There is a brief online survey available now through Sept. 15.

They are interested in how you use the parkway, what you like and what you’d like to see changed. Please consider lending your voice to this worthy effort.

To complete the survey click on online survey link above or visit Sacramento County Regional Parks Natural Resources Management You’ll find the survey at the bottom of the page under “Public Outreach.”

Photo: American River by Larry Hickey

Photo: American River by Larry Hickey