Status of Name Change
Over the past year we have explored the idea of changing the organization’s name to remove reference to John James Audubon. We conducted a survey of our members with sixty percent of those responding in favor of a name change. Currently twelve other local Audubon chapters have changed their name using the words “Bird Alliance”. Name recognition is critical for advocacy and the Board is in favor of changing our name to the Sacramento Bird Alliance.
However, we have decided to wait for a while to start the formal process and obtain a vote from our members. Sacramento Audubon is 100% volunteer based, and changing our name would take a significant amount of effort, so we are taking it slowly. In addition, with more and more chapters deciding to change their names there is always the possibility that National Audubon would revisit the issue. The last thing we want is having to change our name twice! SAS strongly supports an eventual name change and are working on steps to accomplish that in the best way, and at the best time.
- Sacramento Audubon Society Board of Directors
Name Change Survey - Sacramento Audubon Society - September 20, 2023
Birds Connect - Sacramento Audubon Society - July 20, 2023
Ensuring An Inclusive Future Part II - Sacramento Audubon Society - May 21, 2023
Ensuring An Inclusive Future Part I - Sacramento Audubon Society - April 19, 2023
National Audubon Society Announces Decision to Retain Current Name - National Audubon Society - March 16, 2023
Our New Name - Golden Gate Bird Alliance - August 13, 2023
Photo Credit: White-tailed Kite, Image by Chris Conard
White-tailed Kite, Image by Chris Conard