Sacramento Audubon Society member, Daphne Reimer, shares her experience monitoring nest boxes in Del Paso Regional Park.
SAS October Meeting and Monthly Speaker Presentation
Upcoming Field Trips
Name Change Survey
Field Trip Findings: August 15 to September 12
Volunteer At Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary
Contact Bill Bianco if you would like to participate in a Volunteer Workday at Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary.
Lights Out for Migration
Chalk It Up! 2023
27th Annual CVBC Birding Symposium
The Central Valley Birding Symposium is live again! ONLINE REGISTRATION OPEN as of September 10, 2023, at 2 pm.
Petition to Support AB38, the Night Sky Bill
Recently Sacramento Audubon was contacted by Aiden, a junior at Saratoga High School and a member of the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Education and Environmental Legislative Action Committee. He is currently advocating for AB-38. A bill that would protect birds flying at night by reducing light pollution.