Folsom Lake Northwest Area

Beals Point

Beals Point is probably the single best location for viewing large numbers of gulls and water birds on Folsom Lake. From 3pm until dusk thousands of gulls flying in to roost on the lake. As many as 14 Common Loons have been recorded just from this site.

Beeks Bight

Beeks Bight offers foothill woodland habitat dominated by interior live oak, gray pine, and blue oak. The spring season provides the greatest diversity. Dozens of migrating and resident hummingbirds can be found feeding on flowers. Granite rock outcroppings prevail throughout and offer excellent habitat for Rock Wrens and Rufous-crowned Sparrows.

Pioneer Express Trail from Rattlesnake Bar

An afternoon hike in this area on a clear day in the middle of January will reward the birdwatcher with sunshine, green foothill grasses, early blooming manzanita and coyote bush, and over 60 common species of birds. This is also the best time of year for sighting Bald Eagles and Osprey soaring along the lake’s shoreline.

Folsom Lake Peninsula

The peninsula between the north and south arm of Folsom Lake is the most remote and under birded portion of the recreation area. Possibilities include California Thrasher, Lewis’s Woodpecker and rarely Bell’s Sparrow. Burrowing Owls have been found sheltering among the rocks on a few occasions.