Fleming Meadow Trail

Foothills and Sierra Nevada

NOTE: Unfortunately, this area was burned in the Caldor fire in Aug-Sept 2021. The area is no longer closed to the public, but is still undergoing temporary closures and repairs. For more information about the area check the Forest Service Website. The description below was written prior to the fire.

The Fleming Meadow Trail system offers a variety of options. On an early morning spring walk it’s possible to see Band-tailed Pigeons, Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers, Mountain Chickadees, various migrating flycatchers, vireos, warblers, and the ubiquitous Steller's Jays, as well as Common Ravens and Red-breasted Nuthatches.

Red-breasted Nuthatch, Image by Daniel Brown

Birding the Site: From the parking lot take the trail on your left, 10N72. When it splits bear left on 10N72C, then left again on trail 8A. This trail descends steeply down to Camp Creek, and usually has Pacific Wrens along the creek. It can be a difficult trail due to elevation change. Staying on the wider roads is easier, but may result in fewer birds. There is a trail map posted at the parking lot which you can photograph on your smartphone, and it's available online from the US Forest Service.

Directions: From Sacramento take Hwy 50 to Sly Park Road (Exit #60); turn right and go about 4-1/2 miles past Jenkinson Lake, then left on Mormon-Emigrant Trail. Go about 2 miles and turn right shortly after Ferrari Mill Road onto Blue Gouge Mine Road (also called Bonetti Rd on some maps). Follow it down to the trailhead parking lot.