Public access has been diminished to the point where it's no longer a great birding destination, but worth a check if you're in the area. In fall and winter, large flocks of Common Merganser (a Red-breasted Merganser may occasionally be found), Ruddy Duck, gulls (mostly California and Ring-billed, but occasionally Short-billed, American Herring, and Iceland) plus occasional Western and Clark’s Grebes, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Canvasback, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye and other water birds may be found. Green Heron and Belted Kingfisher forage along the shoreline, and Caspian Tern visits in the spring and summer. eBird Sightings
Ring-necked Duck, Image by Daniel Lee Brown
Directions: Take Shoreside Drive south from Riverside Boulevard (0.7 mile west of I-5), and turn left on Lake Vista Court. There are 3 parcels on this street where you can look through hog-wire fencing to view the lake.
Greenhaven Lake is the third stop in the Sacramento Urban Birding Tour. This tour begins in William Land Park and continues south, including Reichmuth Park, Greenhaven Lake, Garcia Bend Park and Marriott Park, and Chorley Park. Find directions from park to park and read the complete tour guide here.
Tim Manolis