Hansen Ranch Park Preserve — Sacramento Audubon Society

Hansen Ranch Park Preserve

Sacramento County

Birding the Site: If you have never been to Hansen Ranch, you are in for a treat. A leisurely walk on the levee above the pond in both directions shows the preserve's many unique qualities. The habitat is mainly dense marsh formed by a tributary of Dry Creek, but north of the levee, there are open fields where cattle graze year-round and a tree line in the distance. These trees host a heron and egret rookery in the spring. Turkey and coyote might be present strolling across the grasslands. In January, various species of waterfowl, along with hawks and falcons, could be present. The pond has an active beaver colony and other surprises hidden in the tules. This is excellent habitat for rails and they can be heard regularly as you walk along the marsh. eBird Sightings

White-faced Ibis, Image by Daniel Lee Brown

Directions: From I-80, exit on Northgate Boulevard and head north to the T. Turn right onto Main Avenue, then left on Kelton Way. Parking here is an issue. Although there are “No Parking” signs along both sides of Kelton, on the north end of the road where the signs have not yet begun, there is space on both sides for several cars between the signs and the end of Kelton.

Maureen Geiger