The Lower Sunrise area is on the south side of the American River, and runs from the Sunrise Boulevard bridge downstream to the picnic area of Ambassador Park. Low bluffs overlook the river, their banks covered with blackberry, coyote bush, willow, and poison oak. Cottonwoods, live oaks, and valley oaks shade the horse trail and much of the bicycle trail. If you walk along the bicycle trail, always be aware of cyclists.
Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Image by Larry Hickey
Birding the site: Colonies of Acorn Woodpeckers can be seen as well as Nuttall’s Woodpeckers and an occasional Downy Woodpecker. Oak Titmouse, Bushtits, and White-breasted Nuthatches move through the trees. Tree Swallows can be seen year-round, though there are fewer in the winter after their migrant cousins have gone south. Bewick’s Wrens, Spotted Towhees, and California Towhees are year-round residents and are joined by Northern House Wrens in spring. In the fall and spring, migrating songbirds such as Townsend’s Warblers, Hermit Warblers, Nashville Warblers, Wilson’s Warblers, Bullock’s Orioles, and Black-headed Grosbeak may be spotted. Red-shouldered Hawks can often be heard calling and are seen year-round. Red-tailed Hawks, American Kestrels, Sharp-shinned Hawks, and Cooper’s Hawks may also be found. In November, Common Goldeneyes arrive, and if one searches through the flocks, a Barrow’s Goldeneye may be spotted. Common Mergansers are more numerous in the winter, but are present year-round. Gulls and Turkey Vultures arrive in large numbers when the salmon return to spawn. Although California Gulls, American Herring Gulls, and Ring-billed Gulls are the most common species, one might also see Glaucous-winged Gulls, Iceland Gulls, or Short-billed Gulls. Late fall through early spring, Osprey and an occasional Bald Eagle can be seen. Black Phoebes and Belted Kingfishers forage along the river’s edge. The fall also brings both White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows, along with the more elusive Lincoln’s and Fox Sparrows. Dark-eyed Juncos, Hermit Thrush, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets move through the trees and bushes. eBird Sightings
From the Lower Sunrise parking area, you can walk across the river to Sacramento Bar via Jim’s Bridge just below the Sunrise Boulevard bridge.
Directions: From downtown Sacramento, take Highway 50 east for 14 miles from Interstate 5, exit at Sunrise Boulevard, and go north for 1.5 miles. Just before the approach to the Sunrise Avenue bridge over the American River, follow the sign indicating river access to the right and continue to the entry station. About 75 feet past the entry station, the road forks. Turn left and follow the road back under the Sunrise bridge and proceed to the parking area. Lower Sunrise can also be entered from Ambassador Park. From Highway 50, take Sunrise Boulevard north for 0.8 mile and turn left on Coloma Road. Travel 0.9 mile to El Manto Drive and turn right. Continue 0.2 mile to Ambassador Drive. Turn right and drive 0.25 mi to the parking lot of Ambassador Park on the left. The entrance fee is currently $7 per vehicle (or a $70 annual pass).
Barbara Mohr