Here you find a similar mix of habitats and species as described for Latrobe Road, but with the addition of the Cosumnes River.
Birding the site: The area adjacent to the river has the most to offer. Some of Sacramento County’s infrequent reports of Hairy Woodpeckers, Steller’s Jays, and Band-tailed Pigeons (all rare) are from here. An American Dipper (very rare) has been found here as well, and Lawrence’s Goldfinches are sometimes present. Often none of these species is present, but it is always worth a look.
Hairy Woodpecker, Image by Ray Rozema
From the bridge you can look and listen for a Hairy Woodpecker or Steller’s Jay in and around the trees above the residence, which is on the south side. Ducks and Canada Geese are often on the river. Please respect the privacy of the property owner. eBird Sightings
Beyond the river, the road is unpaved and can be muddy after a storm. Shortly, the blue oak woodland gives way to open grassland. Mountain Bluebirds (rare) have been found in the open country along with winter raptors. Vesper Sparrows and Lawrence’s Goldfinches have been seen along this stretch. During fall migration, Common Poorwills and Burrowing Owls have been seen on the road after dark. At mile 4.1 you reach the junction with Latrobe Road described in the previous section. eBird Sightings
Directions: From Sacramento, exit Highway 50 at Howe Avenue (5.3 miles east of Interstate 5) and head south to Folsom Boulevard. Turn left, then in 0.5 mile turn right on Jackson Highway (Highway 16). From Folsom Boulevard, it is 20 miles to Michigan Bar Road. Turn left on Michigan Bar Road (after passing through Rancho Murieta, 6.3 miles east of Dillard Road). Drive 1.2 miles north on Michigan Bar Road to the Cosumnes River. Cross the bridge and park on the far side.